Numerical Recipes in C the Art of Scientific Computing

Generic title of a series of books on algorithms and numerical analysis

Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing

Cover of the third (C++) edition

Author William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery
Language English
Discipline Numerical assay
Publisher Cambridge University Printing

Numerical Recipes is the generic title of a series of books on algorithms and numerical analysis by William H. Printing, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery. In various editions, the books accept been in impress since 1986. The almost contempo edition was published in 2007. In 2015 Numerical Recipes sold its historic 2-alphabetic character domain name[i] and became instead.

Overview [edit]

The Numerical Recipes books cover a range of topics that include both classical numerical analysis (interpolation, integration, linear algebra, differential equations, and and then on), signal processing (Fourier methods, filtering), statistical treatment of data, and a few topics in auto learning (hidden Markov model, support vector machines). The writing style is accessible and has an informal tone. The accent is on understanding the underlying basics of techniques, not on the refinements that may, in practise, be needed to accomplish optimal performance and reliability. Few results are proved with whatever degree of rigor, although the ideas behind proofs are often sketched, and references are given. Importantly, virtually all methods that are discussed are also implemented in a programming language, with the code printed in the book. Each version is keyed to a specific language.

Co-ordinate to the publisher, Cambridge University Printing, the Numerical Recipes books are historically the all-time best-selling books on scientific programming methods. In recent years, Numerical Recipes books have been cited in the scientific literature more than 3000 times per year according to ISI Web of Cognition (e.g., 3962 times in the yr 2008).[2] And as of the end of 2017, the book had over 44000 citations on Google Scholar.[three]

History [edit]

The get-go publication was in 1986 with the title,"Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing", containing lawmaking in both Fortran and Pascal; an accompanying book, "Numerical Recipes Example Book (Pascal) was beginning published in 1985. (A preface note in "Examples" mentions that the chief book was besides published in 1985, merely the official note in that book says 1986.) Supplemental editions followed with code in Pascal, Bones, and C. Numerical Recipes took, from the outset, an opinionated editorial position at odds with the conventional wisdom of the numerical assay community:

If in that location is a unmarried dominant theme in this book, it is that applied methods of numerical computation can be simultaneously efficient, clever, and — important — clear. The culling viewpoint, that efficient computational methods must necessarily be so arcane and complex as to be useful only in "black box" form, nosotros firmly reject.[four]

However, as information technology turned out, the 1980s were fertile years for the "blackness box" side, yielding of import libraries such as BLAS and LAPACK, and integrated environments like MATLAB and Mathematica. By the early 1990s, when Second Edition versions of Numerical Recipes (with code in C, Fortran-77, and Fortran-ninety) were published, it was clear that the constituency for Numerical Recipes was by no means the majority of scientists doing computation, but only that slice that lived between the more mathematical numerical analysts and the larger community using integrated environments. The Second Edition versions occupied a stable office in this niche environment.[5]

By the mid-2000s, the practice of scientific computing had been radically altered by the mature Cyberspace and Web. Recognizing that their Numerical Recipes books were increasingly valued more for their explanatory text than for their code examples, the authors significantly expanded the scope of the volume, and significantly rewrote a large part of the text. They continued to include code, yet printed in the volume, now in C++, for every method discussed.[6] The Third Edition was also released as an electronic volume,[7] eventually made bachelor on the Web for free (with express page views) or past paid or institutional subscription (with unlimited folio views).

Criticism [edit]

Numerical Recipes is a unmarried book that covers very wide range of algorithms. Unfortunately that format skewed the choice of algorithms towards simpler and shorter early algorithms which were not every bit accurate, efficient or stable equally afterwards more complex algorithms.[eight] [9] [x] The first edition had as well some minor bugs, which were stock-still in later editions; however co-ordinate to the authors for years they were encountering on the internet rumors that Numerical Recipes is "full of bugs". They attributed this to people using outdated versions of the code, bugs in other parts of the code and misuse of routines which require some understanding to apply correctly.[11]

The code listings are copyrighted and commercially licensed by the Numerical Recipes authors.[12] However, Numerical Recipes includes the following argument regarding copyrights on computer programs:

Copyright does non protect ideas, but only the expression of those ideas in a particular grade. In the instance of a estimator plan, the ideas consist of the program'south methodology and algorithm, including the necessary sequence of steps adopted by the programmer. The expression of those ideas is the program source code... If y'all clarify the ideas contained in a program, and and so express those ideas in your own completely different implementation, then that new program implementation belongs to y'all.[7]

I early motivation for the GNU Scientific Library was that a costless library was needed as a substitute for Numerical Recipes.[xiii]

Another line of criticism centers on the coding way of the books, which strike some modern readers every bit "Fortran-ish", though written in gimmicky, object-oriented C++.[13] The authors accept defended their very terse coding way as necessary to the format of the volume because of infinite limitations and for readability.[v]

Titles in the series (fractional listing) [edit]

The books differ by edition (1st, 2nd, and third) and by the figurer language in which the code is given.

  • Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific Computing, 1st Edition, 1986, ISBN 0-521-30811-nine. (Fortran and Pascal)
  • Numerical Recipes in C. The Art of Scientific Computing, 1st Edition, 1988, ISBN 0-521-35465-X.
  • Numerical Recipes in Pascal. The Fine art of Scientific Computing, 1st Edition, 1989, ISBN 0-521-37516-9.
  • Numerical Recipes in Fortran. The Art of Scientific Calculating, 1st Edition, 1989, ISBN 0-521-38330-7.
  • Numerical Recipes in BASIC. The Art of Scientific Computing, 1st Edition, 1991, ISBN 0-521-40689-7. (supplemental edition)
  • Numerical Recipes in Fortran. The Art of Scientific Computing, 2nd Edition, 1992, ISBN 0-521-43064-X.
  • Numerical Recipes in C. The Art of Scientific Computing, 2nd Edition, 1992, ISBN 0-521-43108-5.
  • Numerical Recipes in Fortran ninety. The Art of Parallel Scientific Calculating, 2nd Edition, 1996, ISBN 0-521-57439-0.
  • Numerical Recipes in C++. The Fine art of Scientific Computing, 2d Edition, 2002, ISBN 0-521-75033-4.
  • Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific Computing, tertiary Edition, 2007, ISBN 0-521-88068-8. (C++ code)

The books are published by Cambridge University Press.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Two letter domain sold : Rebrands to Numerical.Recipes". 14 Oct 2015.
  2. ^ Thomson Reuters, Web of Knowledge, Cited Reference Search.
  3. ^ [1], Google Scholar
  4. ^ Printing, William H.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; Vetterling, William T.; Flannery, Brian P. (1986). "Preface". Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing . New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 11. ISBN0-521-30811-9.
  5. ^ a b Press, William H.; and Teukolsky, Saul A.; "Numerical Recipes: Does This Paradigm Have a Hereafter?," Computers in Physics, xi, 416 (1997). Preprint.
  6. ^ Printing, William H.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; Vetterling, William T.; Flannery, Brian P. (2007). "Preface to the Tertiary Edition". Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (third ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. p. xi. ISBN978-0-521-88068-viii.
  7. ^ a b Press, William H.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; Vetterling, William T.; Flannery, Brian P. (2007). Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-88068-eight.
  8. ^ "Reviews: Numerical Recipes". world wide . Retrieved 28 January 2019. clone URL
  9. ^ Van Snyder, West. "Why not use Numerical Recipes?". . Retrieved 28 Jan 2019. clone URL
  10. ^ "Alternatives to Numerical Recipes". Archived from the original on 18 January 2016.
  11. ^ "Numerical Recipes Distressing Rumors". . Retrieved 28 January 2019.
  12. ^ Numerical Recipes Web site, Numerical Recipes Lawmaking
  13. ^ a b Galassi, Marking; Theiler, James; Gough, Brian. "GNU Scientific Library -- Design document". GNU Operating Arrangement. Retrieved January 5, 2019.

External links [edit]

  • Official website
  • Current electronic edition of Numerical Recipes (express gratuitous folio views).
  • Numerical Recipes at Google Books
  • Older versions of Numerical Recipes bachelor electronically (links to C, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90 versions in diverse formats, plus other hosted books)
  • Reviews of Numerical Recipes
  • Norman Gray, A balanced word of NR and its critics
  • "Alternatives to Numerical Recipes". Archived from the original on eighteen Jan 2016.


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